How to Create an Ad Unit in Publisher’s Dashboard — Step-by-Step Guide

Congratulations. You have become an approved publisher on Bitmedia platform and it is now time to add banner containers to your website. Below is an in-depth guide on how to do it and an overview of the settings available to you as a webmaster when you create a new display ad unit.

To access the publisher's dashboard, navigate to the interface and locate the button positioned on the right side labeled "Ad Unit".

publisher dashboard image

Positioned below on the left side, you will find a blue button with the label "+New Ad Unit". Click on this button to initiate the process of creating a new ad unit within the publisher's dashboard.

ad units image

Upon clicking the "+New Ad Unit" button, you will be directed to a series of four sequential steps for creating an ad unit. The first step entails adding an appropriate name for the ad unit. Provide a descriptive and memorable name that accurately reflects its purpose and content.

Once you have designated the name, proceed to the second step, which involves selecting a source URL. Carefully enter a valid source URL to ensure optimal placement and relevance for the ad unit.

create ad unit image

After completing the steps of adding the Ad Unit Name and selecting the source URL, the next stage involves choosing the ad unit type.

Two options are available:

Regular: This type of ad unit is designed for a specific banner size. It is suitable when you have a particular banner size in mind for your ad placement.

Adaptive: Opting for an adaptive ad unit maximizes performance by optimizing the ad size for each device. It automatically adjusts the ad size based on the device being used, ensuring an optimal viewing experience. Within the adaptive ad unit, you can conveniently select commonly used banner sizes for both desktop and mobile devices.

ad unit type image

Once you have made your selection between regular or adaptive ad unit types, proceed to press the "Continue" button.

ad unit size image

In the second step of creating an ad unit, you will be prompted to select the appropriate ad unit size№. Choose the size that best aligns with your design and layout preferences. Once you have made your selection, click on the "Continue" button to proceed to the next stage of ad unit creation.

In the third step of creating an ad unit, you will have the opportunity to set up backup ads. Backup ads are alternative advertisements that will be displayed in case there are no targeted ads available to fill the ad unit.

There are 4 options:


Bimedia referral


Google AdSense


HTML code


HTML and JS code

backup ads image

Select one and press “Continue”.

In the fourth and final step of creating an ad unit, you will reach the point where you can access the code for the unit. This code is what you need to copy and paste onto your website in order to display the ad unit.

Once you have copied the code, navigate to your website's content management system or web page editor. Locate the appropriate section or page where you want the ad unit to appear and paste the copied code into the relevant area.

After pasting the code onto your website, you can proceed to complete the setup process by clicking on the "Finish Setup" or similar button. This will finalize the creation of the ad unit and initiate the display of ads on your website according to the settings you have configured.

Remember to save and publish your changes on your website after pasting the ad unit code to ensure that the ads are visible to your website visitors.

finish create ad unit image