What Banner Ads Formats and Sizes Work Best in Crypto Advertising

Banner advertising has been a solid marketing medium for decades, evolving and growing as technology does. Similarly, the world of bitcoin banner advertising has too been booming, and for the past 5 years it has grown incredible as more and more projects look to leverage this powerful and battle-tested marketing tool. If used properly, bitcoin banners can crank up your traffic and send your project to the moon. The same goes for sites running cryptocurrency banner ads. Using the best banners for your sites will help you increase your conversion rates and earn more rewards.
So, let’s find out about the popular banner sizes to use and how using a correctly sized banner will lead to more conversions and a better bottom line!
Which Bitcoin Banner Sizes Are the Most Popular?
A whopping 40% of all banner ads in the world are 300×250. The reason for this is that they work well across desktop and mobile devices, fitting seamlessly into any content that you may have. The Medium Rectangle needs to be part of your bitcoin banner advertising arsenal if you’re going to succeed.
Above the fold leaderboard banners (728×90) come in second place, accounting for 25% of all banner ads. Leaderboard ads are a desktop stalwart that still performs nicely given that more and more content is consumed on mobile devices these days. When placed at the top of a website, also known as above the fold, these banners still offer good conversion rates.
In 3rd place, we have mobile leaderboard banners. The leaderboard banner size is 320×50. These mobile banner crypto ads make up 12% of all banner ads on the market and are well suited to an ever-growing trend towards mobile consumption. A combination of these three sizes is definitely a great way to go for both advertisers and publishers as they’re the most popular across the board.
When you’ve picked the sizes you’re going to make use of, it’s time to think about what type of bitcoin ad banners you’re going to deploy. Will you be using HTML5 banners, GIFs, or static images?
What are The Different Types of Banner Ads?
There are 3 types of banners that you can opt for, each with their own set of perks and drawbacks. There’s no right answer as to which you should use. Weigh up the pros and cons while seeing which type fits your advertising needs.
Flash/HTML5 Banners
Flash banners were incredibly popular thanks to the enormous flexibility you had in the interaction department. You could create just about anything your heart desired, from a simple animated message to a full-blown game. However, Google killed off Flash support in its browsers, leaving HTML5 to take its place.
HTML5 banners work in the same way as Flash banners once did, and still do on non-Google sites. These types of cryptocurrency banner ads are more memorable and resize well, making them a top choice for advertisers and publishers.
Animated GIF Banners
Animated GIF banners are pretty popular, despite their lack of flexibility. They’re quick, easy and low-cost to produce, allowing you to create simple adverts in no time at all. No plugin is required to view these types of ads, and they’re typically smaller in file size than Flash banner ads, leading to improved site response time.
You can throw in multiple slides, packed full of information. However, with a lack of interactivity, the user experience of animated GIF banners tends to be a little lacking. A good design makes up for this, but it’s well worth noting when creating your bitcoin banner advertising.
Static Banners
Static banners might seem a little boring but they’re very good at getting their point across. Without fancy moving animations or color-changing text, they lay subtly in wait for a reader, making the ad feel more natural. Static ads are short, sweet and to the point, telling you what you need to know and directing you in one swift swoop.
What are the Standard Banner Ad Sizes?
There are quite a few banner ad sizes that you can pick from, and we’ve already gone over the most popular. Long story short, banner ads come in all shapes and sizes, but you should consider the most common sizes as the “standard” that you should have in your crypto banner ads arsenal:
- 200×200
- 250×250
- 468×60
- 728×90
- 300×250
- 336×280
- 120×600
- 300×600
- 970×90
All of these sizes plus more are available at Bitmedia
What Makes a Good Banner Ad?
Creating an engaging banner ad that drives viewers to complete an action can be a daunting task, but if you stick to a few key design principles, you’ll be creating the best banner ads in no time at all.
The phrase “less is more” comes into a whole new meaning with banner ads. Sleek, elegant and simple ads perform so much better than when compared to busy and cluttered ads. Get your company logo in the bitcoin banner ad, minimal imagery and a clear call to action. If you can reinforce this with a simple message that describes your project’s purpose, then you’re on to a winner. Find out more on this in our article on the benefits of ad groups.
What Makes a Banner Ad Effective?
There are 5 key items that all successful banner ads share. While banner ads can perform well with just a couple of these items, including all 5 will give your banner ad the best chance at success.
Make sure you get your company logo somewhere in the banner ad. It’s all about creating brand recognition, so if your logo is missing, your potential customers won’t know who to look out for.
Make your logo stand out
Value Proposition
Next up is why your crypto project is helpful. Outline the purpose that drives your project and let people associate with it. This should be the most prominent feature of your ad, taking up the most space. It will typically be your unique selling point and create a high sense of urgency and desire.
Clear and concise message
Body Copy
The whole purpose of your display advertising is to get the viewer to complete an action, such as click through to your landing page or site. This is where you need to have the body copy for all the other exciting bits the new customer might need. Put this information on the landing page, rather than in the ad itself. If you try to cram it in the ad, it will look messy and scare away any potential leads.
Using the correct imagery for your message is vital, so spend some time picking the perfect image for your display advertising. Pick something that’s simple and related to your advert, not a totally abstract piece of art that’s going to confuse the viewer. You don’t always need to use an image, so don’t use this as a must. Text ads on a clear background look great and can work just as well. If you do opt for an image, keep it clean and related.
Use high quality images
Call to Action
Even if you have the best product on the market, you will not be able to convert potential customers if your ad doesn’t have a strong call to action that invokes an action. Make sure your call to action (CTA) is clear, concise and invokes an action. Use text such as “Get it Now” or “Join the Action” all work well and are great examples of clear and concise CTAs.
CTA examples in banner ads
What’s the Average Click-Through Rate for Banner Ads?
When you are planning your bitcoin banner ad campaign, you will obviously be hoping to get a high click through rate (CTR). But establishing the average lets you set your goals and targets, making them realistic and achievable. For cryptocurrency banner ads, the general consensus is that 2% CTR is a good rate, but the average CTR for banner ads is much lower, at around 0.25%.
It’s worth noting that while having a high CTR is amazing, if these numbers don’t convert into sales or new customers, then CTR is meaningless. It’s far better to focus on return on investment (ROI) or conversions as these are a more meaningful metric that actually impact your bottom line.
What is an HTML5 Banner Ad?
An HTML5 banner ad is akin to a Flash banner ad in the sense that it’s animated and can be highly interactive. These types of banner ads are coded in HTML5 and can be fully animated or include small parts that move or change color. One of the biggest advantages of HTML5 banner ads is the fact that they are displayed and animate the same way across all devices.
This type of bitcoin ads offers greater creativity and therefore becomes more memorable. You will generally need someone with HTML5 experience to code up one of these banner ads for you and this is where Bitmedia can help. Simply talk to your account specialist and we will not only design such banners for you, but also advise on the right placement.
How Do I Create a Banner Ad in HTML5?
Creating the perfect HTML5 banner ad is actually pretty simple and easy to do, if you have some coding knowledge. If you don’t, HTML5 is pretty easy to learn and HTML5 banner ads are actually very basic, so don’t panic.
You’ll want to add any text, images and links that you wish to use to an HTML5 page. From there, you add a bit of simple CSS3 magic, and you’ve got a stunning and responsive HTML5 banner ad.
How Do Banner Ads Make Money?
Hosting bitcoin banner ads on your website can make you a nice chunk of money, especially if you’ve got decent traffic levels. Ads are dynamically loaded and displayed when using an ad network such as Bitmedia, meaning you don’t have to worry about serving the best ads to your visitors. There are two types of programs that you can typically join as a publisher: a cost per click (CPC) program or a cost per thousand (CPM) program.
Click-through programs are often better for lower traffic sites as they rely on clicks in order to earn you money. On the other hand, CPM programs pay you per thousand impressions. So, one earns you money for each visitor that clicks on the ad and the other pays you for every 1,000 impressions.
Key Takeaway Points
Banner ad formats and sizes that work best in crypto advertising are those that are visually appealing, concise, and informative. Here are top banner ad sizes that work well in crypto advertising:
- Medium Rectangle (300 x 250 pixels): This banner ad size is a popular choice for crypto advertising as it is a standard size that fits well in most website layouts. It is large enough to include some text, a logo, and a call-to-action button.
- Leaderboard (728 x 90 pixels): This banner ad size works well for crypto advertising because it is wide enough to display a logo and some text, and it can be placed at the top of a website or article to grab the reader’s attention.
- Skyscraper (160 x 600 pixels): This banner ad size is tall and narrow, making it a good choice for displaying a chart or graph related to cryptocurrency. It is also effective for displaying a call-to-action button.
- Large Rectangle (336 x 280 pixels): This banner ad size is larger than the medium rectangle and provides more space for text and images. It is a good choice for crypto advertising because it allows for more information to be included in the ad.
- Half Page (300 x 600 pixels): This banner ad size is a larger, vertical version of the medium rectangle. It provides ample space for displaying a graph, chart, or other visual data related to cryptocurrency.
The content of the ad is not less important than its format and size. The message conveyed in the ad should be clear and concise, with a compelling call-to-action that would encourage the user to click on it and get redirected to the official website. The ad should also be visually appealing and include eye-catching graphics or images related to cryptocurrency.
This might seem like a lot of information to digest, so we’re going to break it down into a few quick final notes. The most common Bitcoin ad banner sizes are 300×250, 728×90 and 320×50. All of these sizes plus more are available with us at Bitmedia.
Finally, as a publisher, if you’ve got a low-traffic site, you’ll want to opt for a cost-per-click program, whereas if you’re high traffic, a CPM deal is best for you.
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