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Marketing Strategies for Fintech Startups: Best Practices and Tips

Marketing Strategies for Fintech Startups: Best Practices and Tips

Marketing for fintech is an essential aspect of promoting financial technology products and services in a highly competitive marketplace. With the rise of digital technologies, fintech companies have revolutionized the way people manage their finances. Whether it’s a fintech product or an established bank, marketing strategy for financial services is an essential component of any successful fintech brand.

The fintech (financial technology) market is one of the most rapidly developing sectors and is valued at USD 133.84 Billion in the year 2022. Banks are no longer the only players in the financial game, as fintech companies have emerged to offer innovative solutions for payments, investments, and lending. The data presented below clearly indicates that the fintech industry is rapidly growing year by year. 

Number of fintech startups worldwide from 2018 to 2023. Data: Statista

The increasing number of fintech companies across the world can be attributed to the increasing adoption of technology in financial services, as well as the changing demands of customers who prefer more convenient, innovative, and efficient ways of accessing financial services. As the fintech industry continues to expand, we can expect to see even more competition among companies.

Therefore, the competition in the fintech industry is fierce, and banks are not giving up their market share without a fight. Traditional banks are also using digital technologies to provide convenient and user-friendly services to their customers. They are partnering with fintech companies, launching their own digital products, and investing in innovative technologies to stay ahead of the game.

In this article, we will discuss the optimal ways to attract and retain new customers in the fintech market if you are planning to manage marketing on your own. You will also learn what to pay attention to when choosing a professional fintech digital marketing agency.

What Is Fintech Marketing?

Fintech marketing refers to the strategies and techniques used to promote and sell financial technology products and services. Fintech companies must stand out in a crowded market by developing effective branding and fintech PR campaigns that communicate their unique value proposition. By developing a strong brand and executing effective fintech strategies, companies can successfully grow their business and attract new customers.

Fintech companies use various marketing strategies, such as social media, email marketing, content marketing, influencer marketing, and SEO, to attract and retain customers. By leveraging digital channels, companies can reach a wider audience and engage with them in real time.

Having an in-depth industry comprehension, the specific demographic being targeted, and the competitive environment is essential for successfully promoting fintech products. Fintech marketing agencies offer numerous opportunities to engage with clients and boost business growth.

The Best Marketing Tactics for Fintech Companies

Marketing is a crucial component of any fintech company’s success. Developing an effective marketing fintech strategy requires a deep understanding of the target audience, strong fintech branding, a comprehensive fintech business plan, and the use of expert marketing agencies. In order to successfully market a fintech product, it’s essential to utilize a range of tactics and strategies that will help build brand awareness and attract customers. Here are some of the best marketing tactics for fintech companies to consider:

1. Developing a Mobile-Friendly Website

Fintech companies must prioritize the development of a mobile website in today’s digital age, where the majority of internet users access the web through their smartphones. The data shows that 92.3% of internet users access the internet using some kind of mobile phone.

Data: Exploding Topics

Optimizing a website for mobile devices can significantly improve the user experience, which can lead to higher engagement and conversion rates. Its simplified design facilitates quick loading times and easy navigation, allowing users to engage with content more efficiently.

Moreover, it can improve client retention and acquisition by offering a user-friendly experience, especially for customers who primarily use their tablets and smartphones to access the internet. Additionally, a mobile-friendly website can enhance search engine rankings and visibility, leading to more significant online exposure. Therefore, fintech companies must include a mobile-optimized website in their marketing strategies to cater to their growing audience’s needs and expectations.

2. Educating Customers on Fintech

To build trust and retain loyal customers, fintech companies need to educate their audience on the constantly evolving industry. Educational content is crucial to help customers understand complex financial concepts and products. Fintech companies can provide this content through blog posts, social media, and webinars tailored to address customer pain points and provide valuable information to make informed decisions. 

Another way to educate customers is through partnerships with educational institutions and other organizations. For example, a company providing personal finance management services can partner with a local college or university to offer financial literacy workshops. This type of partnership can help fintech companies reach a wider audience and establish themselves as thought leaders in the industry.

3. Utilizing Gamification Techniques

To engage and motivate customers, fintech companies can use gamification techniques that incorporate game-like elements into their solutions and services. By using game mechanics such as points, badges, and leaderboards, fintech companies can create a sense of achievement and competition that motivates users to engage with their products and services. For instance, a budgeting app could reward users who stick to their budget for a certain period or achieve a savings goal. 

Moreover, fintech companies can use educational games to teach customers about financial concepts and products, such as investing or retirement planning, making financial education more entertaining and accessible. This approach encourages users to learn and make better financial decisions. Overall, gamification techniques help fintech companies create a unique selling proposition in a crowded market and build lasting relationships with clients.

4. Taking Advantage of Social Media Marketing

It is estimated that there will be a total of 4.89 billion social media users worldwide in 2023. Utilizing social media platforms for marketing is an essential component of any successful fintech marketing strategy. Social media boasts billions of active users, offering a significant audience for fintech brands to engage with both prospective and current clients. 

GWI reports that 49% of internet users indicate that they are likely to buy from brands that they see advertised. By taking advantage of social media, companies can create a more personalized brand experience and humanize their image. 

Fintech companies can utilize social media to share relevant and informative content such as videos, infographics, and educational articles to help customers comprehend complex financial concepts and services.

Additionally, social media platforms can be utilized to resolve customer complaints, offer support, and reply to feedback, guaranteeing a prompt and attentive customer service experience. Moreover, social media campaigns can be targeted to focused demographics and audiences, significantly improving the performance of advertising. Fintech companies can enhance brand awareness, build customer trust, and raise conversion and customer retention rates by skillfully leveraging social media.

Crucial recommendations for utilizing social media in fintech marketing:

  • To market your fintech business effectively, it is crucial to identify your target audience and the social media platform where they are most active.
  • Creating a community with your intended audience is essential in promoting your business and showcasing your clients’ challenges.
  • Initially, commence your social media marketing efforts by focusing on a solitary platform. Once you have built a robust presence on it, you can incorporate additional platforms to amplify your target audience.
  • Avoid replicating the same content across all social media channels. Instead, provide content that’s tailored to each platform and caters to the preferences of your followers.
  • Prevent exhaustion by avoiding the management of several social media platforms at once. It’s better to focus on one platform and gradually add more over time to ensure efficient management and maximize audience engagement.

5. Importance of SEO in Fintech Marketing

Although some marketers may consider SEO to be an outdated promotional method, this perception is not reflective of its current importance. In fact, some outdated SEO tactics may no longer be effective, while new practices have become more important. According to a recent survey of over 1000 enterprise marketers, over 90% of respondents plan to place a greater emphasis on SEO in 2023.

Advantages of SEO marketing:

  • SEO helps attract customers at the moment of purchase.
  • An SEO-optimized website allows you to be at the top of search results.
  • SEO creates a constant flow of customers through relevant content.
  • SEO promotes collaboration by creating backlinks from other websites.

Fintech marketing heavily relies on search engine optimization (SEO), as it helps businesses improve their rankings on search engines and make their websites more visible to potential clients. Fintech companies must appear on the first page of search engine results to attract and retain customers amidst fierce competition in the industry.

Enhancing website content, reaching website performance, and building quality backlinks are some of the SEO strategies. Fintech companies can increase their website’s visibility and search engine ranking by implementing these techniques, resulting in more website traffic and conversions. In today’s digital era, where more users utilize search engines to find financial products and services, investing in SEO has become a vital aspect of fintech marketing to remain competitive and attract a broader user base.

6. Consistently Creating Quality Content

Producing high-quality content on a regular basis is a crucial component of fintech marketing. Companies can position themselves as industry experts, increase brand recognition, and establish credibility with their intended audience by creating valuable content. Fintech companies can produce various types of content, including blog posts, e-books, videos, infographics, and webinars, to provide value to their customers and educate them on financial ideas and offerings.

Tailoring content to the target audience is crucial to ensure that it is relevant, engaging, and informative. By continuously producing high-quality material, fintech companies can acquire new customers and retain current ones by offering helpful information that aids in making better financial decisions. Additionally, quality content can enhance search engine rankings, boost website traffic, and ultimately result in higher conversions. Therefore, investing in relevant content creation ought to be a major objective for any fintech marketing strategy.

Bitmedia boasts of being a professional in creating and distributing quality content, including brand articles, press releases, etc. With expertise in content marketing, the agency is capable of producing compelling content that resonates with your target audience and drives engagement.

Key benefits of using high-quality content:

  • Enhancing a website’s organic SEO can improve its ranking in search engines.
  • Generating content is a way to position your fintech company as an authoritative voice and specialist in the field, ultimately fostering customer confidence.
  • Exceptional content that aligns with your brand and product type is crucial in building your brand authority and establishing trust with your audience.
  • Frequent reference to valuable content can foster customer loyalty and drive revenue growth for the company.

7. Exploring Affiliate, Referral, and Influencer Marketing

Exploring valuable marketing strategies such as affiliate, referral, and influencer marketing can help fintech companies increase brand awareness and drive conversions. In affiliate marketing, a business partners with third-party websites or individuals who market its offerings through commission-based compensation for promotion. Alternatively, influencer marketing involves cooperating with fintech media influencers who have a notable following to promote a company’s products or services.

Bitmedia has established numerous genuine partnerships with prominent fintech influencers across various social media platforms such as YouTube, Twitter, and TikTok. Partnering with influencers enables you to leverage their popularity and knowledge to enhance your brand’s reputation. 

Utilizing existing customers to market products or services to their social circle is the core of referral marketing, a potent strategy in the marketing world. This method is based on the assumption that people value and trust personal referrals, resulting in an increased conversion rate compared to traditional marketing techniques. With the emergence of social media and virtual communities, referral marketing has become an efficient and convenient method. Encouraging satisfied customers to share their positive experiences with a company’s offerings can be a powerful marketing strategy. These customers are already inclined to trust and connect with the brand, making them valuable advocates who can help spread the word to a wider audience.

By adopting these techniques, fintech firms can expand their reach and capitalize on the trust and sway of external websites or individuals. When executed effectively, affiliate, referral, and influencer marketing can boost traffic to a company’s website, raise conversions, and enhance brand recognition. Careful selection of partners is crucial to ensure that they correlate with the company’s values and goals. Fintech companies can expand their reach and influence in a competitive market by delving into affiliate, referral, and influencer marketing strategies.

8. Harnessing the Power of Branding

Fintech companies must prioritize harnessing the power of branding as a critical component of their marketing strategy to succeed in a saturated market. Establishing a robust brand identity is vital to foster a meaningful connection with customers and differentiate from competitors. Companies must develop a distinct brand message and visual identity that connects with their intended market, including a tagline, unique logo, color scheme, and other visual elements that reflect the company’s philosophy and objectives.  

Benefits of creating a strong brand:

  1. Improves brand recall: A strong brand style helps customers remember your product, making it easier for them to recall it at various interaction points.
  2. Generates positive word-of-mouth advertising: Effective branding involves creating a story that resonates with your audience, leading to increased word-of-mouth advertising and trust in your brand.
  3. Reduces price sensitivity: A strong brand message communicates the value your product offers, making customers less sensitive to pricing.
  4. Fosters customer loyalty: Creating a brand that customers find interesting and meaningful can lead to long-term loyalty, even in the face of competition. Loyal customers may also provide valuable feedback to help improve your brand.

Maintaining consistency in branding is paramount, as it fosters reliability and familiarity with customers, leading to increased trust and recognition. A robust brand image sets fintech companies apart from their rivals, enhances customer loyalty and retention, and can lure in new customers, amplifying the effectiveness of their marketing initiatives. Hence, it is imperative for fintech companies to allocate resources towards branding, as it plays a crucial role in their overall marketing approach.

9. Leveraging Video Marketing for Fintech

Fintech companies can effectively connect with their desired audience and enhance their brand recognition by utilizing video marketing. Producing compelling videos that exhibit a company’s products, services, or values is an important marketing approach. Based on research conducted by HubSpot Blogs, 66% of consumers have viewed video content (such as product demos, reviews, FAQs, unboxings, etc.) to gain knowledge about a brand or product. Businesses can create various types of videos, such as instructional videos, product presentations, customer reviews, and informative material.

Data: Hubspot

Videos are highly shareable and can potentially go viral, amplifying the reach and impact of a company’s message. Videos can also improve search engine rankings, increase website traffic, and drive conversions. As video content grows in popularity, fintech companies can set themselves apart from competitors and position themselves as industry experts by leveraging this medium. Creating exceptional videos that align with the company’s brand message and harmonize with the target audience is essential. Fintech companies can enhance audience involvement and establish a robust brand, leading to expanded customer loyalty and retention, by leveraging video marketing.

10. Building a Community Around Your Fintech Product

Fintech companies should prioritize building a community around their products as a valuable strategy to increase brand awareness, foster clients’ loyalty, and establish credibility. A community of engaged users can drive product adoption, generate referral marketing, and provide valuable testimonials. 

To build a community, companies can create a forum or social media group where users can share their experiences, provide feedback, and ask questions. Companies can also host events or webinars to educate users on financial topics and offer a platform for users to connect with each other. By fostering a feeling of belonging, fintech companies can create a committed customer base that is invested in the product’s success. 

Additionally, a strong community can attract new users and improve the effectiveness of marketing campaigns. Regular engagement with the clients and providing value to its members are crucial. Building a community around a fintech product is an efficient method to establish a competitive advantage and drive long-term growth.

11. Storytelling in Fintech Marketing Campaign 

In the competitive fintech industry, effective storytelling is crucial for startups to differentiate themselves. Custom content can also positively impact customer perception, with 82% of consumers reporting improved feelings towards a company after consuming such material. As fintech involves handling sensitive customer information and finances, establishing trust is paramount.

Crafting an engaging narrative is paramount for fintech startups to establish a strong connection with their customers. Stories have the power to evoke emotions and connect with people’s experiences, enhancing memories. Fintech startups can simplify the explanation of intricate financial products and services, making them more understandable and relatable to their target audience by utilizing relatable storylines.

Using a storytelling approach, fintech companies can develop the ability to create a more relatable brand that connects with its audience on an emotional level. This connection can lead to boosted customer loyalty and acquisition, resulting in significant growth in both customer base and revenue. By humanizing their brand through relatable narratives, fintech companies can stand out in an overcrowded market and establish themselves as trustworthy providers of complex financial products and services.

Considerations for Hiring a Professional Fintech Marketing Agency

Establishing a fintech business is only the initial phase of the challenge. You must present yourself correctly to customers in order to be outstanding among competitors and achieve the users` trust. The methods described above provide a clear idea of how to attract, maintain, and build long-term relationships with customers.

However, if you prefer to delegate promotion to experts, it is necessary to rely on an expert marketing agency. Partnering with a fintech marketing agency can be highly beneficial for your business. These agencies have the expertise to develop and execute the most effective marketing strategies that can lead to the success of your fintech venture. Here are some ways in which a fintech marketing agency can assist you in creating a solid fintech marketing plan:

  • Formulating a fintech marketing campaign tailored to the product’s characteristics and catering to the needs of the target audience.
  • Producing top-notch content that bolsters brand recognition, enhances audience participation, and lures loyal customers.
  • Overseeing numerous campaigns concurrently while appraising their efficacy based on predetermined objectives.
  • Establishing the product’s brand to appeal to the target audience.

Recommendations for Selecting the Top Fintech Marketing Agency

Clarify Your Brand Perception

Before seeking out a fintech marketing agency, it’s crucial to clearly comprehend how your brand is perceived and identify your target audience.

Assess Your Marketing Requirements

Before selecting an agency, you should distinctly establish your marketing objectives and requirements, which may vary depending on the nature of your business.

Find Several Agencies

Identify at least 10 marketing agencies that align with your requirements.

Evaluate Their Online Presence

Evaluate the websites belonging to the agencies that you are contemplating. The top-rated agency will likely have a website that is well-designed, easy to navigate and has clear information architecture.

Assess Their Credentials

Explore the sections of the agencies’ websites that highlight their notable accomplishments, such as “case studies,” “success stories,” and “portfolio.” This will enable you to gain insight into their capabilities and offerings.

Contact Them

Reach out to the agencies on your list and propose a face-to-face meeting or a phone conference. Their promptness in responding can be a sign of their potential for future collaboration.

Conduct Meetings

Ensure that the marketing agency you’re considering shares your brand’s vision and enthusiasm. Meeting with them in person will provide you with a better understanding of their corporate culture and personalities.

Final Decision

It’s important to carefully review and compare all the other factors we have discussed. Ultimately, choosing a marketing agency that shares your vision and passion for your brand can lead to a successful partnership.

Choosing the appropriate marketing agency for your business might appear overwhelming initially. However, once you have a clear understanding of your marketing requirements, you will be able to identify the most suitable agency for your needs.

Moreover, it could be beneficial to contemplate the possibility of hiring multiple agencies. Typically, marketing firms have expertise in specific areas. You might consider contracting one agency for digital marketing and a different one for public relations events.

Selecting the optimal marketing agency for your business is a comprehensive and analytical procedure. It is the only way to discover the agencies that align with your profile and aspirations.


As the financial technology industry expands, the competition between companies has intensified, making it crucial for fintech companies to promote their products and services through effective marketing strategies. The industry has revolutionized the way people manage their finances, making it essential to stand out in a highly competitive market.

To be unique, fintech companies must establish a distinct branding and public relations approach that clearly communicates their unique value proposition. Through the development of a strong brand identity and the implementation of effective marketing tactics, fintech firms can expand their customer base and achieve business growth.

In today’s competitive business world, marketing plays a critical role in the success of fintech companies. To stand out in the market, fintech firms need to develop effective marketing strategies that convey their unique value proposition to potential customers. Partnering with leading advertising networks such as Bitmedia, businesses can create compelling marketing campaigns that promote their financial technology products and services and reach a broader audience.

  • How Important Is Having a Mobile-Friendly Website for Fintech Companies?

Fintech companies must have a mobile-friendly website since many of their target audience uses mobile devices. Optimizing the website for mobile can enhance user experience, boost engagement, and increase conversion rates. Moreover, mobile optimization can improve search engine rankings, making it easier for potential customers to discover the company online.

  • What Role Does Content Creation Play in Fintech Marketing?

Fintech companies heavily rely on content creation to establish themselves as industry leaders and educate their audience. Creating informative content, such as blog posts and social media posts, can enhance brand awareness and customer engagement. The key to effective content creation is identifying the target audience and providing relevant information that addresses their needs and pain points. Bitmedia offers a crypto content writing services to its clients. Additionally, customers can order content distribution services or direct PR publications.

  • Is Influencer Marketing Effective for Fintech Companies?

Fintech companies can effectively use influencer marketing, especially if they aim to reach younger demographics. Partnering with influencers who have a substantial following in the financial or tech sectors can boost brand awareness and attract potential customers. However, it is crucial to select influencers who share the company’s values and messaging and comply with relevant regulations set by financial authorities. Contact Bitmedia account managers to get special offers!

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