Use Psychology to Create a High Converting Landing Page – Part 1

Landing pages are the final hurdle in the sales funnel. If your crypto landing page is on point and optimized to the max, it’ll convert leads into customers like never before. If it’s a bit weak, you’ll be missing out on a pile of business, and that means lost money, time, and effort. Earlier we talked about the ways to improve your landing page conversion rates, now we would like to reveal this topic in more detail and describe psychological techniques to improve landing page conversion.
So, perhaps it’s time to up your landing page game and deploy the power of psychology. By using psychology and its traits, you can develop a high converting landing page – and it’s easier to learn how to use landing pages than you’d expect!
But, which attributes describe a good landing page experience? Let’s check out the key psychological ingredients of a high converting landing page!
#1 – Images
When people arrive at high converting crypto landing pages, the first thing their eyes are drawn to is the imagery. In fact, images are recognized by our brains more than 60,000 times faster than text is, so don’t miss out on this processing power. You want your customers to land on your page and instantly get hooked – a good image will do this for you.
Apple are the masters of this. Their high converting sales page will feature a beautiful hero image of their latest product with a tiny bit of text. Instantly your eyes are drawn to the image and all you want to do is buy that item. Use this technique with your converting landing page and you too can be as successful as Apple!
#2 – Short and Sweet Text
When your eyes meet a blockchain landing page, you want them to be caressed and guided to their destination – the shopping cart. You want to use short and sweet text, getting right to the point. Explain your product or service in as few words as possible and make it easy to understand. If you’re selling a premium brand, make sure that the words feel premium.
Apple once again is the perfect example here. The content used in its landing pages is elegant, short, and right to the point. They’ve also refined the language used making the high-end products read and feel more exclusive. These are landing page goals!
#3 – Logical Flow
When you’re planning your landing page marketing, make it flow like a story. Speak to people that don’t work with your crypto brand or know it and listen to the questions they ask. These are the items you need to address in your landing page and in that order.
Think about it, you wouldn’t want to hear a story that starts with the middle, then has the introduction, would you? Don’t do the same with your landing pages. Make the story and user journey flow.
#4 – Colors, Typography & Font
You might think of this as something that’s insignificant, but it’s a huge part of a crypto landing page. If you’re using a font that’s too heavy or the letters are too close together, people might get turned off and not want to convert.
The same goes for colors, you need to pick colors that you think your audience will react well to. You don’t want to come across as cheap, shoddy, and unreliable, but at the same time, you don’t want to come off as snooty. Blend in the perfect color scheme with a neat font that matches up with the rest of your brand and you’ll have a happy landing page.
#5 – Numbers & Statistics
In a land filled with words, blockchain landing pages can often feel full of promises and no tangible results. So, give your potential customers some numbers and statistics. Whether this is how many people rate your app as useful, the number of people that go on to lose weight with your product or the technical spec of your hardware.
Consumers love this stuff, and it gives them tangible results to compare elsewhere. So, if your product really is as good as you think it is, then these numbers are your best bet at pleasing the human eye and making a sale. Don’t be afraid to show off your numbers!
Psychology is an integral part of our thinking and when used in landing page building, may become the perfect tool for success. Whilst display ads do a great job by channeling traffic to your landing page, it is solely down to its design and copy, that will either gain new clients for you or make them leave for good. Therefore, using the above-mentioned ingredients together with display ads becomes the primary toolkit for conversions, and Part 2 our psychological series expands on this even further.
Convert Landing Page