Bitcoin traffic to the lottery!

Although a chance of winning a lottery is understood by many to be exceedingly remote, people do play it and play it often, especially when the organisation behind the lottery is trusted. At the same time, we, at Bitmedia, understand that in order for a crypto ad campaign to turn into a success, we must look deep into what moves people to click and engage. Therefore, trust became our main SPV and just like a magnet, started to attract the right people to the right source, the platform, our partner for this campaign. This case study will unfold the steps we made to create an effective ad campaign that provided results, similar to the Bitcoin price growth graph as of 2014 (minus the dips).
Building a bitcoin ad campaign that turns 200,000 impressions into 2000 clicks and 230 new and active player
The Bitcoin Ad Campaign Task
Back in 2019, the team behind was looking for exposure that would add traction to their both instant and scheduled online crypto lotteries. Taking into account that their lottery gaming is primarily based on crypto and runs on blockchain it was clear from day one that the main target audiences must be savvy in the given fields or at least have a general understanding of what crypto is all about. We believe that this is why they chose Bitmedia as the main promotion partner and of course we were happy to help.
The target was to get new players onto the platform and hence we came up with a tailored solution that you too can use whilst setting up your bitcoin ad campaign. But before we begin, it is important to outline that however basic ‘attracting new players’ may appear, in reality it is quite a task to tackle, since a new player is one who has never visited your platform, let alone heard of it!
As you may know, Bitmedia is much more than just an average bitcoin advertising network and this is why we began with designing striking and engaging banners for Fairmillions. Once those were done, it was time to get to planning. Another benefit of working with a seasoned advertising network like ours is that unlike the rest, we are in the business for long enough to know what kind of strategy to employ to help the client reach the initial goal. Therefore, we have already gone through all the mistakes possible to save our clients their budget money, instead channeling it towards the most effective solutions.

Creation of Brand Awareness…
Assets being in place, we decided to start with a CPM campaign, limiting it by a white and black list of countries so that we only target those that are known for hosting crypto-savvy clients, inclined towards online gaming. Then, once first results from the ad campaign were in, we optimised the lists even further together with Fairmillions team by eliminating those publishers that did not return any clicks on 100 impressions. And no, in case you are thinking that maybe it was just the wrong timing for those publications, we made sure we run ads on different days and varied time frames, just to be sure that we are not missing out on a goldmine.
Becoming Concrete…
Eventually, the original list of 800 publishers we channelled Farimillions bitcoin ads to, started to decrease. First we parted with those that regardless of a big CTR produced no registered users on the client’s platform. Then, we added a spin to the ad campaign by integrating HTML5 banners, designed by Bitmedia, in-house. Oh, and the new banners turned out to be just right, given that Fairmillions still uses them to this day.

After a couple of months we ended up with 100 publishers that provided not only a good click through rate but also a stable inflow of new users to the platform. We kept on eliminating and adding new ad mediums via our All Premium package that concentrates on industry-leading publishers and Traffic Buy-out package. The latter allowed FairMillions to broadcast ads via their favorite publishers within a predefined bid level and also capture traffic from other top sources with a discount that at times went up to 50%, thereby not only delivering good conversions but also freeing up marketing budget to be retargeted to premium sources.
Summary and Numbers
By concentrating on most effective publishers within Bitmedia bitcoin ad network, we have found a limit where 2000 impressions had to attract at least one new registration. As the ad campaign progressed with time and the Fairmillions name and brand image became known to the crypto audience, one new registration from a single source turned into two and then 10. By this time, we started to bombard 10 main sources of new active users, that thanks to increased impressions rate, returned hundreds of players that remained on the platform.
Mulling over the expansive ad campaign executed for Fairmillions it is easy to identify a few critical milestones…
- Creation of brand awareness
- Eliminating the ineffective and concentrating on productive
- Acquisition of effective discounted traffic and channeling savings towards Premium publishers
As a result of the campaign that continued for a year, 7.5 million people visually registered the Fairmillions brand, 37000 individuals visited the platform and most of them stayed on it, forming a new active user base. Lotteries may not be everyone’s choice, but we surely hope that these guys got lucky and even if some didn’t, we are confident that it was a fair game, given the professionalism the Fairmillions team showed throughout the time of our partnership.
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