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Reddit: A Platform Where Communities Rule

Reddit: A Platform Where Communities Rule

You have probably come across videos on YouTube with cringe-worthy stories from Reddit. But, actually, it is not only about it. It’s the only social network where its members feel part of something whole and are tight-knit. In this article, we will get acquainted with this platform, find its features, and outline its possibilities. 

What is Reddit? 

Reddit is a social platform where you can create content, share news, discuss interesting topics with people worldwide, and gather your loyal community around your topic. It claims to be the “The heart of the Internet.” That’s a bold statement, isn’t it?  It reflects the ability of Reddit to represent the main news of the planet, the hot topics, literally – the nerve of society. 

Reddit takes the 10th place among most-visited websites globally and the 5th – among most-visited in the United States. 

The platform has approximately 1.1 billion unique monthly visitors. Age Distribution indicates popularity among young people: 

  • From 18 to 29: 44%
  • From 30 to 49: 31%
  • From 50 to 64: 11%
  • From 65 and above: 3%

Geographical Distribution significantly leans towards English-speaking countries:  

  • United States: 51.54%
  • United Kingdom: 5.74%​
  • Canada: 5.18%
  • India: 3.34%
  • Australia: 3.13%

So, young English-speaking people from developed countries would be an attractive audience for many businesses. 

How does it work? 

All Reddit is divided into subreddits – separate topics. So, users can communicate in their comfort bubbles and not intersect. Reddit has over 3.5 million subredditіs. ​

Sort subreddits by popularity and newness by pressing the button above the feed. You will see posts of your favorite topics on your home page. The most popular topics worldwide are in the tab “Popular.”

Under every post and comment, there are two buttons: a down and an up arrow. This way, users can vote for or against a post. Therefore, if your post resonates with the mood of the community, if it’s a valuable thought or something funny, it will get a lot of upvotes.

The number of likes on your post or comment is called Karma. Karma can increase your authority on the subreddit. It’s shown in your profile. 

Username page view
Username page view

One more benefit of Reddit is the possibility of being anonymous. You can even create several accounts. People are more sincere and freely express their opinions because they feel safe. And if somebody offends them, it won’t be a personality offense, and they can not be scared of cyberbullying.

Cohesion of Reddit communities 

Reddit is a community-based social media. Communities arise inside subreddits. There, people can find truly like-minded people and soul mates. 

Subreddits are managed by moderators – volunteers. Every subreddit has its own rules. Moderators can determine what content can be posted, delete posts, and even ban users. So it’s like self-governance. Every subreddit is like a small democratic country.

Given that, communities are tight-knit and engaged, and that’s why they are more powerful and active. For example, there were such cases when they helped to recount votes in elections in 2016, stood up for net neutrality in 2014 and 2017 when there was a threat that certain websites would load slower than others, helped solve crimes, and collectively raised money for charity. 

Look at the most impressive case of GameStop, an American video game retailer. In 2021, when the company had financial troubles, big hedge funds decided to short-sell its stocks. But the r/WallStreetBets community members wanted to save this company and start buying these stocks, causing the price to skyrocket from $17 to $483. Those hedge funds suffered great losses. In this case, the community proved its power to influence the financial market. This case inspired the film “Dump Money”. 

Poster of “Dump Money” film

How can brands interact with the platform users?

If you want to work with an English-speaking audience, you definitely should go to Reddit. Here are some ideas on how you can interact with them: 

  • Personal subreddit about your company and products. For example, Solana, a blockchain platform and one of the largest coin hosts hackathons for their members and educates them.  
  • Conducting AMA. It’s a very entertaining format for people. Brands such as Adidas and Nissan conducted it with their employees. And there are even some with American presidents! Barack Obama’s AMA sessions conducted during his presidential campaign in 2021 gathered 23,000 comments. In his turn, Donald Trump gathered 21,000 comments, answering the Reddit members’ questions. 
AMA session with Co-founder of Coinbase
AMA session with Co-founder of Coinbase
  • Participating in discussions. You can share your professional opinion and carefully allow people to understand that you are good at it. Once, there was an amusing situation with the company the Xbox One. Gamers created a subreddit about the company earlier than the company itself. 

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