New Design, New Advertising Experience

Bitmedia has been continuously changing and evolving during the last 4 years. While existing we have been witnessing the vast growth and changes in the priorities of the blockchain community as well as of the blockchain community as well as of the market of digital advertising. We kept changing and trends kept changing us and our approaches to advertising in crypto community.
Today Bitmedia team is glad to introduce new design of our platform. This means that starting today crypto advertising has become more simple to launch.
New design not just looks good, it brings advertising experience to a totally new level.
It is obviously necessary to have a modern looking platform, however, the overriding goal of Bitmedia redesign is to make business communication with clients perform at its best. New Bitmedia is more than new buttons and images, it is a wholly new system, handcrafted to meet needs if both publishers and advertisers.
As we have already mentioned here, we have set up large plans for 2019. Apart from the new design, we aim at having major updates in the system. Those, that would enable advertisers choose the best possible advertising options for them, while providing publishers with the most flexible publisher tools.
Our team is already in progress of implementing new UX and UI and we will keep gradually updating Bitmedia platform.
Join us and together we will establish a brand new, independent and censorship resistant world of digital adds.