Blockchain Week Rome 2024: A Convergence of Crypto Innovations and Networking

Date: 28-31 May 2024
Location: Rome, Italy
Blockchain Week Rome 2024 (BWR24), Italy’s premier international crypto gathering, is set to unveil its fifth edition from May 28 to May 31 in Rome. This event marks a pivotal moment for blockchain enthusiasts, offering an extensive program that includes training sessions, meetups, speeches, keynotes, book presentations, and high-caliber panels.
Key Highlights:
- Educational Course: The event will commence with the “Blockchain Inside Course: Bitcoin, Crypto, and NFT for Business” on May 28-29 at Cinema Farnese, curated by Ateneo Impresa – The Blockchain Management School. This course aims to provide a deep dive into the economic history, functionalities, case studies, and architecture of blockchain and cryptocurrencies, including exploring Web3, crypto trading, and the Metaverse.
- Speakers: Esteemed experts such as Romolo De Stefano, Gian Luca Comandini, and more will share their insights.
- International Summit: The course will lead into the international summit on May 30-31 at Palazzo Brancaccio, featuring over 30 live speeches by top Web3 experts. This segment also includes the Crypto Business Networking Area, offering a unique opportunity for live networking with leading Web3 figures.
- Platinum Sponsors: Prestigious companies like Polkadot and Mesh are the platinum sponsors for this year’s event. Polkadot focuses on connecting different blockchains for secure data sharing, while Mesh aims to build an open, connected, and secure financial ecosystem.
Program in Brief:
- May 28-29: Blockchain Inside Course at Cinema Farnese.
- May 30-31: International Summit at Palazzo Brancaccio, featuring the Crypto Business Networking Area, book presentations, creators meetup, and exclusive crypto parties.
For more details about the BWR24 program, visit the official website: Blockchain Week Rome.
- Event Info: [email protected]
- Sponsor Relations: [email protected]
Blockchain Week Rome is brought to you by Event Management Group, paving the way for future blockchain innovations and networking opportunities in Italy and beyond.